Physicochemical analysis

Physical analysis
The Center of Micro & Nano-Rheometry is a technological platform of the Institute of Physics of Nice (InPhyNi) of the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis. The Center is accessible to companies or external laboratories under research contracts or services. The center's equipment is essentially dedicated to the physico-chemical characterization of materials based on micro or nanoparticles: Measurements of viscoelastic properties of materials: forces (AFM, Viscoanalyseur) or couples (rotational rheometers) at macro, micro and nanometric scales. micro- and nanoparticles (size distribution, charge, zeta potential, etc.) and the composition of complex fluids (TOC, UV spectrometer, ICP).
Characterization of micro and nanoparticles
Measurements of the viscoelastic properties of the material

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