These commercial devices, manufactured by the company Anton Paar, are characterized by a very efficient electronic control loop which makes it possible to measure either imposed stress or imposed shear rate with practically the same efficiency. It also comes with a normal force measurement. Rheometers are equipped with devices that widen their field of "classic" use :
● measuring devices under magnetic field:
a coil - ensures a homogeneous field Hmax = 35kA / m and allows to use all the geometries
a cell, based on an electromagnet-it allows to reach the field Hmax = 600kA / m in magnetic parallel planes geometry
● measuring device for highly concentrated suspensions:
"systemic" geometry with a simple double helix not allowing to create an "effective" shear without slip planes
● optical display device
in cone-plan and plane-plane geometries
RS 600 and RS150 Rheometers
These commercial devices manufactured by the company ThermoFisher have the same principle of operation, they use the same control software and differ essentially by the values of the maximum torque:
200 mNm for RS600 and 150mNm for RS150
Rosand RH7 capillary rheometer
The Rosand RH7 capillary rheometer can be used to measure materials subjected to high pressure and high shear extrusion (polymers melted to suspensions of mineral particles, and food products to inks and coatings).
The high force range (up to 100 kN) and the wide dynamic velocity range (> 225,000: 1) make it possible to correlate these measurements with the conditions of industrial use of materials. Precision channels of different diameters cover a wide range of materials and shear rates.
DMA450 Viscoanalyser
The viscoanalyzer DMA450 is a device dedicated to the study of viscoelastic modules depending on the frequency and the sample’s amplitude of solicitation. It consists essentially of a vibratory pot (Fmax = 450N), a capacitive displacement sensor (between 0 and 3000 microns, sensitivity 0.01 micron) and a force sensor.
The frequency range is from 10 -5 to 200Hz with a resolution of 0.01%.