Zetasizer nanoZS is used to characterize polymers and nanoparticles in terms of size distribution (0.3nm - 10μm), zeta potential, and molecular weight. Size analysis is based on the dynamic scattering of light and the zeta potential on measuring the speed of nanoparticles or polymers in an electric field.
Mastersizer 2000S
The Mastersizer 2000S can measure, through static scattering of light, the particle size distribution (0.02μm-2000μm) suspended in a liquid or directly in powder form. In the first case the suspension is agitated mechanically and / or ultrasonically and circulates in the measuring cell. In the case of the powder, the latter is blown off by a jet of compressed air.
AFM Agilent 5100
This atomic force microscope makes it possible to produce high-definition surface images (eg instructions) as well as measurements of forces in the air or in a liquid medium. In this model, the measuring head and the piezo of translation of the sample are located above the sample, which facilitates adaptation to the various media and samples.
UV-1800 spectrophotometer
The UV-Visible UV-1800 spectrophotometer achieves a resolution of 1 nm, all in a compact design. The UV-1800 can be used as either a stand-alone instrument or PC-controlled, and offers a range of easy-to-use functions. With the highest resolution in its class, the UV-1800 easily meets the wavelength resolution standards required by the European Pharmacopoeia.
The features of the UV-1800 have been enhanced to meet the needs of users; bright optics, reduced parasitic light, improved wavelength repeatability and stability of the baseline ...
TOC-V CSH (Total Organic Carbon)
The TOC-V SCH (Total Organic Carbon Analyzer) uses the catalytic combustion oxidation method at 680 ° C. This method allows complete combustion of the sample by heating at high temperature in an oxygen-rich environment. This is facilitated by the use of a combustion tube filled with platinum catalyst. Since the simple principle of oxidation through heating and combustion is used, pre-treatment or post-treatment using oxidizing agents is not necessary which greatly simplifies the system. The carbon dioxide produced is then detected by a Non-Dispersive NDIR Infra Red.
The point of catalytic combustion lies in the complete oxidation capacity of the molecules of low molecular weight but also for the non-soluble particles and polymers with high molecular weight very difficult to oxidize. The determination of the carbon remaining in a suspending liquid after centrifugation makes it possible, for example, to determine the adsorption of an organic polymer on the surface of micro or nanoparticles.
The PerkinElmer OPTIMA 2000DV ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma) is a compact optical spectrometer that allows, thanks to its 2 segmented CCD detectors, the simultaneous measurement of the complete spectrum with very short analysis times. The dual aiming system (DV) provides the best detection limits and the widest dynamic range. This technique allows element analysis at both high concentration and trace levels, and is used for research, for production control, or for environmental analysis. ICP is now widely used for the control of heavy metals in pharmaceutical preparations, wear metals in waste oils, in rare earths or in hydrocarbons. The PerkinElmer OPTIMA 2000 ™ ICP optical emission spectrometer is a compact, bench-mounted, high-speed scanningCCD-based sequential ICP-OES system. All systems feature dual viewing of the plasma; a free-running 40-MHz solid-stateRF generator; a double monochromator; and a dual backside-illuminated charge-coupled device (DBI-CCD) detector.